Quark terminal mode

Nov 24, 2024·
Orjan Ameye
Orjan Ameye
· 1 min read

As part of my windows setup, I run a windows terminal quark mode in the background which I can always call using a hotkey Win + `. Here is how I set it up. Credits to this github issue.

  1. Go to your startup folder (Click Win + R and run shell:startup)
  2. Create a shortcut to the Powershell “C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe”. I use powershell 7 here. Open the properties tab of the shortcut and change the target to "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -Command "wt -w _quake 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe' -NoExit -Command '& {clear}' -window minimized;Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;$app=New-Object -ComObject shell.application;$app.ToggleDesktop();" I added a 1 second wait after launch quake. If the window doesn’t disappear after logging in, try to extend it for a little longer.
  3. Set “Run” option also to Minimized (this prevents any flicker) and apply.
  4. Go the the windows terminal settings and open the setting JSON file. Add the "compatibility.allowHeadless": true to let the Terminal keep running even when all windows are closed.